
Showing posts with the label UK

Right Now with Jaymie Icke - 24.06.22 - Smash Cut

Tonight is all about mind control. Deprogramming expert Stewart Swerdlow is on the show to talk about how you can protect yourself from outside sources influencing your thoughts.  Danish father Thomas Jensen is on the programme to tell us about how his children were taken off him in Denmark for simply homeschooling them, and how that ties into a deeper story of child thefts and mind control in the country.  MK Ultra survivor Cathy O'Brien joins us to talk about her new film Trance which details her life-story of escaping the MK Ultra mind control programme in the 90s right up to today.

Most powerful whistleblower ever! “Mass murder by government”

Funeral director John O’Looney witnessed mass murder by British government. Thousands of people were killed in care homes, and then labeled as covid deaths. That was the start of the ‘pandemic’ in the U.K. His testimony is by far the most revealing and most shocking of all. Absolute must see for al of humanity.