ROSE/ICKE 7: The Trap – What It Is, How It Works, And How We Escape Its Illusions

It’s been incredibly busy at London Real of late and with so much going on in the world, I have to say, that’s just the way I like it. You see, the goal has always been to try and bring you the most important voices across a broad range of topics and interests, that you won’t find in the mainstream media. And as daunting as things may feel at times, it’s never been more necessary than right now.

I believe everybody has the right to voice their opinion and furthermore, we should all have access to a variety of information and ideas so that we can make informed choices based on sound evidence.

Today’s guest, oftentimes controversially, has become something of a regular on London Real and the Digital Freedom Platform, not least because he’s one of the most fascinating men I’ve had the pleasure of sitting down with, but also because above all else I steadfastly believe that everyone has the right to freedom of speech.

David Icke, according to most references, is a ‘conspiracy theorist’, although this feels a little too vague and dismissive. He has, in fact, dedicated the last 30 years of his life to investigating, researching, questioning and documenting “who and what is really controlling the world”. And I would argue despite his outspoken nature, he is most certainly misunderstood, at least by those who fail to listen.

David’s early life couldn’t be much further away from where he finds himself today. As a talented young sportsman, he signed for Coventry City football club in 1967 as a Goalkeeper. He went on to play for Oxford United, Northampton Town and Hereford United until, at the tender age of 21 found his burgeoning career cut short by arthritis, something that would affect him for many years to come.

From here, he pursued a career in journalism and worked his way up the corporate ladder, blazing a trail into the spotlight as a presenter with the BBC. He dabbled in mainstream politics, as a spokesman for the Green Party, but his life would change forever in 1991 when David experienced what can only be described as a spiritual awakening. The media pounced and criticism, contempt and ridicule soon followed.

His life would be changed irrevocably from that moment forth. Since that time, David has authored over 20 books and spoken in over 25 countries. He has an enormous global following, and his tours take in cities from as far afield as New Zealand and Los Angeles to London and New York and anywhere in between.

His research into prominent political figures, influential family bloodlines, global events, and most recently the covid pandemic has seen him on the receiving end of widespread criticism and ridicule from the mainstream media – a situation he now knows only too well.

In truth, his consistent messaging, incredibly accurate predictions and promotion of peace and unity have resonated with a huge community of people from all corners of the globe who have grown tired of the government lies, cover-ups, censorship and manipulation that have become an increasing presence in our everyday lives.

David is an extremely intelligent and caring individual. He promotes positivity as a response to many of the challenges we face in modern society. And, as those who have been to one of his renowned sold-out arena tours, where he speaks for up to ten hours a day can attest, he is incredibly good company and extremely engaging.

In his latest book ‘The Trap’, David goes deeper down the rabbit hole than ever before to explore and expose what he calls the anti-human agenda that is being orchestrated by a force beyond our reasonable perception, that has been manipulating and controlling world events, in what he describes as a virtual reality computer game. Of course, amidst such claims, David brings some fascinating insights into the nature of humanity, the history of the planet and the social mechanisms at work therein.

“We are living in amazing times, when the manipulation of humanity through the ages which has gone on in the peripheral vision, in the shadows, it’s now come into the public arena where we can see it, and now we can bloody deal with it, and we will!”

David wants all of us to stand up and think for ourselves. To stop taking life for granted, and start questioning who we are and why we’re here? Some may not agree with his message, but, for many, he offers a chink of light in an otherwise dark world.


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